
Monday, June 20, 2011

Philosophy of education

The goal of education is to provide all learners with an environment and experiences where they can develop a variety of skills and knowledge that would allow them to think critically and grow intellectually. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary that students are provided with a teacher, guardian, curriculum, environment, and experiences that will enhance educational success. Providing students with a classroom that will meet the needs of such diverse learners is essential to the learning process. The learning process includes developing an understanding through experiences and demonstrating the ability to make rational decisions based on that understanding. Together these experiences are essential to how effective one develops mentally and morally. Schools were created to teach skills and subjects necessary for advancement in a specific society. Different cultures focus on teaching skills, encouraging personal self-definition, developing human intelligence, and creating patriotic and economically productive citizens. Whatever the primary focus is, the objective is always to create an atmosphere where one is able to learn and succeed. In determining the curriculum for education, generally it should contain basic skills and subjects which are age appropriate and also challenging. It should include subjects that will enhance critical thinking skills, activities that support physical, mental and personal development, be meaningful to student’s lives, and also entertaining. The relationship between teachers and students is an important contribution to education. Teachers should demonstrate respect for diversity and have a belief that all students can learn. The teacher's role is to provide students with the materials, environment, and instructions that would effectively assist in their learning experience. This includes establishing relationships with both students and parents, constantly working towards become a more effective instructor, challenging them, being knowledgeable of the content, and collaborating with staff. The teacher should always direct the classroom in a professional manner and should be organized and prepared at all times. The teacher should also engage in learning experiences with students and not just provide assignments and instructions. The teacher should always demonstrate respect for diversity through their teaching style and in how they deal with different situations. In order to provide the most effective learning environment, it is necessary that the teacher consistently maintains a well-managed classroom environment. The role of students is to come to class prepared and ready to learn. Students should respect one another and staff, respect diversity and challenge themselves when learning new ideas. Because teachers develop skills through instruction, student’s roles also include teaching and assisting their instructor and fellow classmates. Education is most effective when teachers and parents work together. The role of the parents is to ensure their child receives the best education possible. In order for that to happen, parents must work diligently with their child and child’s teacher to create the best outcome.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Learning technology for the purpose of becoming a more effective teacher! And I'm a horrible student:)