
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Teacher move session tomorrow

Just wanted to let everyone know that I spoke with scott via email and he informed me that MED residents HAVE TO ATTEND BOTH SESSIONS tomorrow. I thought that he was mistaken but he corrected me a couple of times. So make sure you are all there. Goodnight!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Three strategies I can't teach without

Teaching 3rd grade can sometimes be challenging because students are just begining to learn new concepts and sometimes struggle without specific instruction to guide their thinking. With that said, I cannot teach lessons without incorporating
1. Think aloud
2.guided practice
3. modeling
In addition it is important to always good to include some direct instruction. but the three mentioned is a must for me in almost every subject.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UBD- Assignment

Enhancing Teacher Performance

Summary of Curricular Context: The workshop was designed to introduce teachers to specific strategies they will need to practice in order to develop into distinguished professionals. Reflection is a key component across all domains of teacher performance. Teachers will need to know how to analyze and evaluate their performance through reflections in order to determine what works and what doesn’t in an effort to improve their instruction. Teachers need to be able to determine their effectiveness by evaluating student performance. Before participating in the workshop teachers should be able to recognize that teacher performance effects student learning. In this lesson, teachers will learn the importance of self-reflection, its components, and how to use self-reflections in the classroom to improve instructional practices.

Standard / Objectives for Unit or Lesson: (Illinois and, or ISTE NETS)

STANDARD 10 - Reflection and Professional Growth
The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates how choices and actions affect students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community and actively seeks opportunities to grow professionally.
Lesson Goal:
All teachers will use self-reflections as a source for improving instruction to meet the needs of all learners

Stage 1
Enduring Understandings What are the overarching enduring understandings for the unit/lesson? (big ideas that transcend the unit)

1. Understand why self-reflection in teaching is important
2. Understand how to effectively use self-reflection to improve teacher performance
3. Understand how self-reflection impact professional development
Essential Questions What are the essential questions you can ask to guide inquiry?
1. What can you do to be more proactive in your development as a professional?
2. How does your performance as an instructor impact student learning?
3. Why is it necessary to evaluate and improve some of your instructional practices regularly.
Knowledge & Skills

Knowledge Skills
Identify key components of self-reflection

Identify strengths and weaknesses of student and teacher
Define self-reflection
Write a self-reflection

Use self-reflection to evaluate performance
Assess student performance
Determine effective and ineffective strategies and practices


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Price-Social Situation

I originally decided to conduct my observation at a casino, but since I couldn't make it I decided to use public transportation to conduct my observation. I haven't taken a bus ride in years and I've never taken the bus from downtown. This week I rode the number 4 cottage grove bus from downtown to the south side of Chicago. This bus ride was different from what I've been familiar with growing up because it included a more diverse group of people. While waiting for the bus to arrive I stood at the bus stop alone for about two minutes before people slowly began to wait for their bus alongside me. I decided to begin my observation at that point.

Many people who travel downtown usually take some sort of public transportation to work or school because of various parking issues. Others travel to see different main attractions and to shop at the many stores in the area. These people are part of the actors whom I observed. Other actors included the bus driver whose primary purpose is to get travelers to and from various locations safely.While waiting for the bus I realized I didn't know exactly which bus to take because I've never taken a bus downtown. After asking a few travelers for assistance I finally got the information that I needed to get to my destination. While waiting for the bus I observed these actors doing different things. One person patiently waited while listening to music on a device, another was reading, while a mother was tending to her child. These actors appear to be business men, shoppers, tourists and students. Although they were all traveling on bus for different reasons, in this social setting they were all bus riders. Once the bus arrived, another actor, the bus driver,routinely pulled up, opened the door, and allowed the riders to get on. As I put money on I asked how much would it cost for a transfer and the bus driver informed me that transfer cards aren't provided on buses anymore but he gladly provided me with an emergency bus card without me asking and gave me a signal to quickly take my seat. In that instance I learned that his role was much more than just transporting travelers. The diverse group of individuals that got on and off the bus during the duration of my travel participated in many activities and the bus driver's activities all depended on the traveler's activities. My purpose of observing them was to see how different people from different cultures behaved in this social situation and how they responded to one another.

Majority of the actors were from various cultural backgrounds when I first arrived on the bus. As I continued to travel closer to the southside the group became less diverse and more of the travelers were African Americans. Also,the bus riders went from a majority of middle aged and older actors but later included an even mix of both adults and young children. When I first got on the bus people were reading, talking quietly on their phone, texting or observing other riders. As the ride moved to the southside riders who were picked up tended to talk more, talk louder, use profanity, argue with the bus driver about fair, or make conversation with strangers. Some actors seemed familiar with this type of behavior because they continued with their business while others, those who starred with amazement, appeared to be unfamiliar with that behavior. All groups demonstrated caring behavior when a mother with children, elderly person, or someone with a disability got on board. The bus driver, who seemed all too familiar with the diverse group of people, handled each person differently but in a professional manner. When someone tried to use an expired card, he politely stated that they knew they couldn't use the card and ordered them off the bus. When an elderly woman was getting on the bus, he lowered the ramp to make it easier for her without being asked. When a man in a wheel chair loaded, the driver politely assisted him as well. There was nothing significant or out of the ordinary on this particular bus ride. What I did notice was that some people, regardless of their race, responded to certain behavior that appeared to be abnormal, while others ignored it as if they have adapted to it. What I got from this was that those who were familiar with this behavior probably took that route frequently while those who weren't frequent travelers of this route were not familiar with the behavior.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Philosophy of education

The goal of education is to provide all learners with an environment and experiences where they can develop a variety of skills and knowledge that would allow them to think critically and grow intellectually. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary that students are provided with a teacher, guardian, curriculum, environment, and experiences that will enhance educational success. Providing students with a classroom that will meet the needs of such diverse learners is essential to the learning process. The learning process includes developing an understanding through experiences and demonstrating the ability to make rational decisions based on that understanding. Together these experiences are essential to how effective one develops mentally and morally. Schools were created to teach skills and subjects necessary for advancement in a specific society. Different cultures focus on teaching skills, encouraging personal self-definition, developing human intelligence, and creating patriotic and economically productive citizens. Whatever the primary focus is, the objective is always to create an atmosphere where one is able to learn and succeed. In determining the curriculum for education, generally it should contain basic skills and subjects which are age appropriate and also challenging. It should include subjects that will enhance critical thinking skills, activities that support physical, mental and personal development, be meaningful to student’s lives, and also entertaining. The relationship between teachers and students is an important contribution to education. Teachers should demonstrate respect for diversity and have a belief that all students can learn. The teacher's role is to provide students with the materials, environment, and instructions that would effectively assist in their learning experience. This includes establishing relationships with both students and parents, constantly working towards become a more effective instructor, challenging them, being knowledgeable of the content, and collaborating with staff. The teacher should always direct the classroom in a professional manner and should be organized and prepared at all times. The teacher should also engage in learning experiences with students and not just provide assignments and instructions. The teacher should always demonstrate respect for diversity through their teaching style and in how they deal with different situations. In order to provide the most effective learning environment, it is necessary that the teacher consistently maintains a well-managed classroom environment. The role of students is to come to class prepared and ready to learn. Students should respect one another and staff, respect diversity and challenge themselves when learning new ideas. Because teachers develop skills through instruction, student’s roles also include teaching and assisting their instructor and fellow classmates. Education is most effective when teachers and parents work together. The role of the parents is to ensure their child receives the best education possible. In order for that to happen, parents must work diligently with their child and child’s teacher to create the best outcome.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Learning technology for the purpose of becoming a more effective teacher! And I'm a horrible student:)